This Texas heat is definitely putting a crimp in my summer style! My heat-induced daze inspired me to come up with a few finds to help survive the heat.
One easy way to stay cool is to dress in white (or light-colored) clothing. This Rachel Zoe dress is gorgeous and looks breezy as can be. The white gauze robe is a life-saver while getting dressed, keeping you cool after showering). A lightweight lace bralette is a no-brainer… who wants bulky padding or straps this time of year?) Top it off with a chic hat to keep the sun out of your eyes (a beauty bonus since squinting = wrinkles!)
I’ve always loved Evian water spray to freshen up on hot days or long flights. Now there are all sorts of beauty products promising to cool you down. Try the Milk Cooling Water gel stick that both de-puffs and soothes. Urban Decay’s Chill makeup setting spray contains temperature-controlling technology to keep your makeup looking just-applied all day!
Feel free to shoot me any of your favorite finds or tips for staying cool. It’s not even August yet, so it’s safe to say this we’re in this for the long haul!